Kotlin - lambda expression -5 : using data class, value type
2021. 3. 21. 15:55
class KotlinPlayGroundActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
val toothPaste = Product("ToothPast", Price(2.0), Weight(3.1))
val toothBrush = Product("ToothBrush", Price(3.0), Weight(2.5))
val orderLines = listOf(
OrderLine(toothPaste, 3),
OrderLine(toothBrush, 5)
// a of fold is start value
val weight: Weight = orderLines.fold(Weight.identity) { a, b -> a + b.weight() }
val price: Price = orderLines.fold(Price.identity) { a, b -> a + b.price() }
println("weight : $weight, price : $price")
data class Product(val name: String, val price: Price, val weight: Weight)
data class OrderLine(val product: Product, val count: Int) {
fun weight() = product.weight * count
fun price() = product.price * count // == product.price.times(count)
data class Price(val value: Double) {
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
operator fun plus(price: Price) = Price(this.value + price.value) // +
operator fun times(num: Int) = Price(this.value * num) // *
companion object {
val identity = Price(0.0)
operator fun invoke(value: Double) {
if (value > 0)
throw IllegalStateException("Price must be positive or null")
data class Weight(val value: Double) {
override fun toString(): String = value.toString()
operator fun plus(weight: Weight) = Weight(this.value + weight.value)
operator fun times(num: Int) = Weight(this.value * num)
companion object {
val identity = Weight(0.0)
operator fun invoke(value: Double) {
if (value > 0)
throw IllegalStateException("Price must be positive or null")