목록분류 전체보기 (134)
Foggy day
It is the sample of custom circle progressbar that use customview and valueanimation. If you want to use circle percent Progress, I recommend this sample. Additional explanations have been omitted. I left a little explanation in the code. But, It is not English. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. Video preview 1. CircleProgress @SuppressLint("ResourceAsColor") class CircleProgres..

이글은 아래 링크의 글을 번역한 글입니다. vladsonkin.com/ultimate-guide-to-android-custom-view/ Ultimate Guide To Android Custom View - vladsonkin.com Android has lots of standard views to cover all our needs in the app. But sometimes, the designers come up with some new UI elements, and the only way to implement it is by creating an Android Custom View. If this new UI element looks like some improved st vladsonk..

This post is the example of composite design pattern without detail explanation. If you know definition or concept of composite design pattern, I recommend searching other articles on Google. Some explanations are commented out in the code. Classes used 1. AbstractExpression abstract public class AbstractExpression { public abstract int operate(); } 2. AbstractOperationExpression abstract public..
Normal viewpager does not have the wrapContent attribute applied. However, someTimes we need to set height of the ViewPager to match the contents. So I created a CustomViewPager class that extends ViewPager and The CustomViewPager allows you to flexibly set height of ChildViews. To understand this post, you must have a basic understanding of ViewPager. Video preview 1. CustomViewPager First of a..